A black and gold logo with a person holding a guitar.


Aisha is an extraordinary classic/hard rock solo artist, vocalist, and songwriter.  Her electrifying vocals and thunderous guitar riffs deliver an original yet familiar brand of rock and roll, with songs of arena-sized proportions. 
Aisha’s incredibly unique and powerful vocal style could make her one of the most interesting and competent rock vocalists to come out since Lzzy Hale, and Chris Cornell.

A black and white image of the name aisha.


Aisha – Vox & Guitar

JT Phillips – Guitar

Rose McMayhem – Bass

Chase Culp – Drums

Experienced Professional

Aisha’s self-titled debut album is a breath of fresh air for rock & roll purists.  Her catchy, Joe Perry-esque guitar riffs are instantly epic, while her bluesy, soaring lead vocals are reminiscent of classic heavyweights such as Robert Plant, Paul Rodgers, and Steven Tyler.  Aisha’s debut album is a time capsule of sorts, drawing together songs inspired by each of the golden eras of rock. In a genre still dominated by men, it is not her gender that makes Aisha stand out; her unapologetic songs, monstrous guitar riffs, and virtuosic vocal versatility do that for her.

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Seattle, WA

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